France in focus - Al-Jazeera
Dorothée était invitée en juillet 2022 sur Al-Jazeera pour parler de la place que l'on veut donner aux descendants de l'histoire coloniale dans la nation aujourd'hui. Discussion avec Grace Ly et Sally Alassane Thiam, animée par Myriam François.
"France is in the midst of an identity crisis - grappling with some important questions about what kind of country it is, and what kind of country it wants to be. In this episode of The Big Picture: France in Focus, we will deal with a legacy of France’s history that still plays a crucial role in its present colonialism. Presenter Myriam Francois is taken on a "colonial tour" of Paris museums by Congolese activist, as well as speaking to a "decolonial coach" about transgenerational trauma. Joining her in the studio discussion are Grace Ly, Sally Alassane Thiam and Dorothee Myriam Kellou."